The 2006 Adaptation of Jane Eyre

Charlote Bronte’s Jane Eyre was one of my first and favorite reads as a child. I remember being a complete nerd who — the one and only time I faked a cold to skip class — feigned her way out of school for about a week in order to as quickly as possible finish reading Jane Eyre in the comfort of being under my bedcovers and in PJ’s. It’s been a while since childhood days for me, but the sweet memory of the book remained with me all these years. And recently, I discovered a beautiful 2006 film adaptation starring Ruth Wilson as Jane and Toby Stephens (Dame Maggie Smith’s son) as Mr. Rochester. I had previously only seen the 1996 movie, but this one blew it away with its beautiful cinematography, tasteful way of incorporating Gothic elements in the scenes, and excellent cast of actors. I was particularly smitten because Stephens exactly embodied how I would have imagined Edward Rochester. The wit, the playful humor yet dignified charisma, the intelligence, and the evolution of his cold demeanor into one that is filled with warmth, all while leaving the depth of his character in tact. Ruth Wilson’s portrayal of Jane also held water and in my opinion is unmatched, as she navigated the complexity of the character in a way that made Jane understandable — she wore Jane’s personality on her face so well that it was as if her eyes spoke. It was also thanks to both characters and their chemistry that I saw a beautiful linear development from friendship to romantic love. I had no regrets watching all four hours of this (binge-watching, I should say) through the night before my flight. So well worth it!

November 11, 2021

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